Troubleshooting problems that occurred during the installation of the software of Raspberry Pi
Solving of problem number 6511
It solved by updating the Raspberry Pi OS.
The main improvements :
Major update seems to have been made on the 18th of September 2012.
Corresponding to the dynamic overclocking up to 1GHz.
Also Temperature control so as not to exceed 85 degrees.
More than 50% faster.
Improvement of analog output
Updating the OS does not mean that the way to ensure resolution.
I only refers to have been resolved by the update, etc.
Android apps
There is the introduction and explanation of my Android applications, here.
Currently, Reversi APP for two human (Othello for two people)
Android App page
We introduce a project(named AndRobot), that connect Software and Hardware(smartphone and a machine).
I hope it will be the main content, in the future
AndRobot page
Android Info
A Note while I use the Android device
We strive to provide information that including programer's perspective.
Device Page
Mail Form
Mail Form is faster than e-mail for me.
Because, e-mail at work is prohibited, now.
Mail Form
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